RSL Community Futsal

boys + girls club + community futsal training facility
On the site of the current Boys & Girls Club and the old tennis courts in Sugarhouse near Fairmont Park, this project will rest. It includes a new Boys and Girls Club (apx. 30,000 s.f.), an RSL Indoor Pavilion with futsal/basketball courts and a community event space (about 36,000 s.f.), and an outdoor plaze (apx. 18,000 s.f.) between the two buildings to increase the recreation space. The site also includes underground parking underneath the RSL pavilon. The development is meant to augment the amenities of Fairmont Park and provide a bigger better Boys & Girls club.
square footage
66,000 + 18,000 plaza
construction cost
planning, programming,
architecture, interior design,
branding + wayfinding